An all around great color of Fly Fur for fresh and saltwater. Whether it imitates shrimp, baitfish or nothing at all, everything eats orange. Elevate your craft fur fly patterns.
Fly Fur is designed by fly tyers specifically for fly tyers.
Half the underfur and twice the overfur of other select craft furs yields a much higher use per inch
Longest, most supple fibers will not leave you wanting for your pike and streamer patterns
Superfine fibers are coated so that they do not clump but flow freely when wet
Uniquely designed colors for fish - not leftover colors from other industries
Great marabou, rabbit strip, and seal dubbing replacement
Zoe Angling Group is a Benefit Corporation that is focused on innovative opportunities in the fishing market with the goal to create jobs for exploited individuals. This includes partnerships with sustainable practicing, fair trade structures and more alike.