In collaboration with

Wet Fly Swing Episode 306
“Fly Fur, 5D Brushes and Fair Flies with Jeff Coffey - Zag.Fish”
Jeff Coffey, founder of Fair Flies is here to share the story of how he created a company around fly fur and fly brush while making a positive impact on the world. Jeff tells us how the Zoe Angling Group gives employment opportunities for the survivors of human trafficking and for young men who just got out of prison. Find out how these fly brushes get 90% of your tying done within 2 minutes and how they are also made out of 90% recycled materials. Jeff gives us a peek at their new fly tying vise that is 5 years in the making, plus a new tackle box.Jeff’s goal is to employ at least 10,000 victims of human trafficking before he retires and he tells us how we can help them achieve that.

Wet Fly Swing Episode 361
“Gar on the Fly with Jon Morris - Fair Flies Fly Fur and Brushes”
Jon Morris from Working Class Fishing Podcast breaks down gar fishing, tying with brushes and fly fur. We find out what gear you need, the best fly line to use, and how rope is used to hook the fish.Jon connects us with the gar guru – state record holder for biggest longnose and alligator gar on the fly, who’s also Jon’s mentor. Do you know who he is?We also learn about gar’s history, how they are threatened today, and why they need our protection.